


A python pip package for parsing witmotion IMU messages

Find the datasheet at BWT901CL Datasheet.pdf


pip install git+

Code examples

Code example using pybluez

import pywitmotion as wit
import bluetooth

# set your device's address
imu = "00:0C:BF:02:1E:40"

# Create the client socket
socket = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM)
socket.connect((imu, 1))

msgs_num = 0
while msgs_num < 100:
    data = socket.recv(1024)
    # split the data into messages
    data = data.split(b'U') 
    for msg in data:
        q = wit.get_quaternion(msg)
        # q = wit.get_magnetic(msg)
        # q = wit.get_angle(msg)
        # q = wit.get_gyro(msg)
        # q = wit.get_acceleration(msg)
        if q is not None:
            msgs_num = msgs_num+1

Code example using pyserial

import serial
import pywitmotion as wit

connected = False
port = '/dev/rfcomm0'
baud = 115400

with serial.Serial(port, baud, timeout=5) as ser:
    s =

    msgs_num = 0
    while msgs_num < 100:
        start = time.time()
        s = ser.read_until(b'U')
        q = wit.get_quaternion(msg)
        # q = wit.get_magnetic(msg)
        # q = wit.get_angle(msg)
        # q = wit.get_gyro(msg)
        # q = wit.get_acceleration(msg)
        if q is not None:
            msgs_num = msgs_num+1

Using witmotion INUs for human motion capture

Here is a tutorial on using the wit motion IMUs in combination with this minimal library pywitmotion and the biorbd library for human body simulation.

Gitlab tutorial link

This tutorial uses 4 IMUs for the human right arm:

And the obtained results are: